This magical place is about 20 km from Biarritz. And it’s pure love !!
What is it? It is a road on a beautiful rocky coast along the ocean, with unique panoramic views of the mountains on one side and the ocean on the other.
No construction of any kind has been allowed here for some time, which means that nature appears in all its pure beauty, in all its splendour. The natural scenery on the cliff edge is grandiose! The valleys and crests of the Pyrenees, the famous giant wave called Belharra.
Here, the dream is to take a ride in a convertible 🙂 , but you can also go all the way on foot. And this walk would be even more impressive. You will smell the ocean, hear the waves and the birds singing.
We love this unique place and advise you not to miss the opportunity to enjoy it during your holiday on our coast!